Document Title Document Title Document Title Document Title ~JINX of COVEN Poster by Newton Burcham~ NEW! from the mind of F Newton Burcham, well known artist and animator comes a poster of Jinx and Skull inspired by his series Monsters Illustrated with Jinx of the band Coven as Spellcaster...F antasy cult favorite Burcham has command of his colors and images ...17" X 11"...Hand signed at bottom by Jinx...Always more from the WICKED COVEN COLLECTION...These pieces are RARE limited Coven collectors items...Magick prevails, Many Hails.. *・⸸⛧\🖤/⛧⸸・* COVEN 100% OFFICIAL EBAY SITE ~ Singer Jinx Dawson,official eBay site...WINNER ONLY MAY MAKE A COPY THIS AUCTION FOR AUTHENTICITY PURPOSES.....All bids help to Preserve the Coven Archives... (NOTE: Displays,etc. not part of auction...I am a private party not a retailer nor wholesaler....AND I am a long time (20+ years) eBay/Pay Pal seller who VALUES feedback............Any questions feel free to email... Please feel free to view my upcoming postings of rock music memorabilia & couture........................Pay Pay accepted within 4 days......SERIOUS BIDDERS ONLY...10 Previous Purchases/10 Feedback Score Required(Unless contact me before bidding)...No Previous No Pays Allowed to bid...No returns accepted...Thank you